Health & Safety: Are you upto scratch?
Are you upto scratch with your Health & Safety?
Reviewing workplace health and safety policies is non-negotiable when it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of employees. At the very minimum, companies should review H&S within the workplace, including any existing policies, at least once or twice per year; however, it can't hurt to do this more often to ensure compliance with current H&S laws. Ideal times to review your policies would be April and October, as this is when changes in legislation by HSE are put in place.
Although the law doesn't state a time frame for policies to be reviewed and updated due to differences in industry requirements, it does state that employers' policies should be up to date. If the policy and procedure are not up to date with current laws in the event of a serious incident occurring in the workplace, the employer could face catastrophic consequences.
What are the consequences of not reviewing Health & Safety Policies?
It's important to remember the reason why health and safety is imperative in the workplace: The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. It's sometimes referred to as HSWA, the HSW Act, the 1974 Act, or HASAWA.
It sets out the general duties which:
- employers have towards employees and members of the public
- employees have to themselves and each other
- certain self-employed have towards themselves and others
So what happens if this legislation is not followed by employers and employees?
If an employer or employee is found to have breached H&S laws set out by HASAWA then they can face prosecution in the form of fines, court orders, or imprisonment. But most importantly, breaching health and safety in the workplace puts employees at risk and could result in serious accidents and fatalities.
There are H&S risks within every workplace, however, there are industries where the danger is more prone. The construction industry is one of the more hazardous industries to work in and is classed as high to medium risk when referring to Health & Safety. However, the majority of associated risks within construction can be avoided if correct procedures are followed. As an employer within construction, it is vital to routinely check regulations, carry out risk assessments, and put procedures in place to comply with current laws and protect employees from potential risks.
One way employers can be sure H&S regulations are followed within construction is by putting employees through the necessary training required to fulfill a job. Employees that receive the correct training are likely to perform their job effectively, and efficiently, with a broader understanding of the risks involved and how to keep themselves and everyone else safe. A more qualified workforce will improve performance, lead to fewer mistakes, and in turn increase work output in a safe way.
Are you health and safety compliant?
Glanville Training Academy offers a complete package when it comes to construction training with the focus being on providing tailored training to the individual. From CSCS Courses to Excavator Training, our programme of courses and experienced instructors with real industry experience ensure health and safety is a top priority, ensuring candidates leave with confidence and the skills needed to get the job done safely.
Brush up on your Health & Safety and get qualified today with Glanville Training Academy, browse our selection of courses available across the South West of England.